Hi there, how is alll going?
This is a post of celebration because this blog is 10 years old. I am truly grateful for your support along these years, really grateful.
Moreover, this post is a farewell, so I am really happy and sad at the same time.
Due to I am involved in a different project, I am going to shut down this blog.
The idea to close it down first started to pop in and out of my consciousness about two years ago, when I was enrolled in many eTwinning and school projects. But the blog was doing so well because it was averaging about many visitors a month and growing. I thought I would have to be crazy to even consider getting rid of it.
But, nowadays it is different. I do not want to be worried because I do not publish anything and that's the reason of my decision. Maybe it is not going to be an end for ever... Who knows...but now, it is time to make space for something new.
Thanks again to everyone for contributing, reading and supporting the blog so far!
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