29 Jun 2019

Quality labels

Hi everyone!
As most of you know, the eTwinning network is the biggest educational community of teachers and students in Europe. There, you can design and share projects with other countries and you are able to have an administrator or a teacher role. It is supposed that if you have worked rigurosely along the school year, you will want to have your task recognize and this is the reason of this post.
The period for asking an eTwinning quality label is opened till July 7th. The quality label indicates that the project has reached a certain national and European standard. 
For knowing if you are ready to ask for a label, ask to yourself these questions:
1) Does your project shared a plan?
2) Has it finished?
3) Have your students and you contributed to all the activities?
4) Have you and your partners organised collaborative activities?
5) Are your project results visible?

If the answers are affirmative, then I recommend to you to ask for a label. Do not hesitate and do it now! The last advice I would say to those who wanted to ask for it, is to write the description of the project in a document. Once you have collected all the information, then you will be ready to fill in the form in the eTwinning net. I will do it, for sure. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!

21 Jun 2019

End of the School Year!

Another school year has arrived at the end. That means that we have to say goodbye to the big ones with happiness and wishing them the best. Good luck!!!

14 Jun 2019

Ending the school year

Hi there,
we are really close to finish this school year and we are in a hurry finishing projects. Just right now, I have thought of sharing with all of you an idea that can be amazing in your dossiers. This is the WordCloud to summarize some topics you worked in this third term or along the school year. This is an example:

Another idea is to use mind maps, like the ones below:

These two resources have been very helpful for me. I hope you find them useful.

12 Jun 2019

Who is she?

Qui és és un joc de taula sobre dones valentes que van canviar el món.
Vaig pensar en tenir-lo per utilitzar-lo a les meves lliçons d’anglès. La meva primera idea és treballar cada dona. Primer, individualment. Després, per parelles i, finalment, per grups de quatre. D’aquesta manera, cada grup coneixerà informació sobre quatre dones. Després, donaré un número a cada grup i en crearé de nous que estableixin una persona de cada grup. Al final, tothom coneixerà algunes d’aquestes dones importants.