14 May 2019

Creative writing

Hi there,
after practicing structures and connectors in the English lessons, I gave an interesting homework to my students. They had to choose three important personal objects and they had to introduce them in a writing activity. 
I had the opportunity to listen to a group of 26 students this morning and the experience has been very cool. All the students have been engaged by homework and they said that they enjoyed doing it. Amazing, fantastic and wonderful. ;D

I think that my students produce and interpret their mates' compostitions in a properly way. The production of a text requires the application of higher order skills (HOTS), following Bloom's taxonomy and that is what we promote in our lessons through topics that engage and motivate them. That's the way that it works.
A long the school year, and always giving some language support, they have written about:
  1. Personal descriptions.
  2. Their best friend.
  3. Their school.
  4. Daily routines.
  5. Important women in their lifes.
  6. Mobile phones and teenagers.
  7. BioPoem
  8. Three personal important objects.
For tips on encouraging children in creative writing, take a look at creative writing page. Worthy to visit it!

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