16 Feb 2018

How to improve pronunciation?

Hi there,
as you know, I am always trying to improve my lessons so that my students have a good level of English. The post today is about an activity that I think is an excellent one due to its results. It has been easy to prepare and it had a positive feedback. Let me explain it. Just in case you do not know, I work through projects along all the primary levels. Most of the times, I participate in the classroom projects but there are many times that I include other activities to improve other dimensions of the language. The one that worries to me lately is the oral production. I listened to a person talking about a "Reading in pairs" activity and I considered as an excellent one. Attending that we have different audios in the classroom related with the tasks we do, I prepared some steps to show students how to follow the activity. 
If you are a teacher and you want to put in practice, you just have to prepare and audio, upload to your English blog and to organize the text in pairs.
Here you have the instructions: 
After doing it, I believe that this activity requieres students to read as well as listen to and correct the reading of a mate. Also, it allows students to compare the phonetics, the rhyme and the intonation. Finally, it helps students to be confident with oral language.

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