2 Jul 2012


Do you remember that the 2012 Olympic Games are about to start on 27 July in London? As you learnt in our lessons, flags are waving their five interlocked rings, a symbol representing the union of the five continents: Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe with their five colours: blue, black and red across the top and yellow and green along the bottom. Everything is ready to receive the athletes from throughout the world. 
I'm sure you remember this amazing topic, but there is a cultural heritage I want to explain today. I'm talking about the athletes and their creed and oath (their promises before participating in the games)

The creed of the Olympic Games is
"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well."
As an exception, I want to translate the creed so that you can feel the main idea. 
"El més important en un jocs Olímpics no és guanyar, sinó participar-hi. Igual que el més important a la vida no és el triomf sinó la lluita. L'essencial no és haver conquerit sinó haver lluitat bé."

Sportsmen and sportswomen keep an oath that comes from 1920 Olympic Games. This oath taken at the Opening Ceremonies goes like this,
"I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of our teams"
Jo prometo que participarem en aquests Jocs Olímpics, respectant i seguint les regles que els governen, en l'esperit veritable de l'esportivitat, per la glòria de l'esport i l'honor dels nostres equips "

So in this way, you can imagine that athletes are very sensitive with  effort and friendship. They want the best for their teams.
But.... let's find out about athletes' minds.*

  1. A good athlete must have a strong mind. It will give them the driving force to accomplish their goal.
  2. A good athlete must have determination. It's essential to have clear objectives to be successful.
  3. A good athlete must have strength. If you want to succeed, leave negativity and bad voices behind. Gratitude to small things in life is what really matters; learn to see beauty and decide to be happy instead of thinking about unhappy things. Go directly to your goal.
  4. A good athlete must be hard working. Spend time concentrated and with your goal in mind.
  5. A good athlete must keep their motivation. Sometimes it is hard to keep it but if you really want to succeed, just listen to your heart!
  6. A good athlete must deal with adversity. Sometimes things don't come out as you want no matter how hard you try. When that happens, it is important to remember you are doing your best. Live the present time and don't worry.
  7. A good athlete must be optimistic and positive. The happier you are, the easier it is to deal with every day challenges.
  8. A good athlete must be focused. If you focus on your goals and intentions, they will become true.
  9. A good athlete must have tolerance.
  10. A good athlete must have discipline. If you do,  you can be successful at anything in your life.
  11. A good athlete must have perseverance. You have to face obtacles. Stay focused on your objectives and keep working hard.
* This has been an adaptation of an article in The teacher's magazine, June 2012

The picture above was taken in Barcelona-Marathon on March 25th 2012 at 6 km from the end (36 km).

By the way, try to find these keywords in the image presentation below (TEAM - MEDAL - OLYMPIC FLAG - SPORTS - FRIENDSHIP -ATHLETE-OLYMPIC TORCH -GREECE)
Make your own slide show at Animoto.

Do you know who are the London 2012 Olympic mascots? 
Here you have an amazing link!

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