25 Feb 2020

Happy Shrove Tuesday!

Hi there!
Today is Tuesday, February 25th and we celebrate Pancake Day Today!
In Britain, people eat pancakes along the day. In some towns there are also pancake races. People run through the streets holding frying pans with pancakes. Each runner throws the pancake into the air and catches it in the pan. The winner is the one who hold the pan having the whole pancake in the arrival.

Do you know that...?

  • Another name for pancake Day is Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday.
  • The world record for the biggest pancake is 15 metres in diameter and weighing 2.980 kilos
Anyway, if you want to cook delicious pancakes, I recommend you to watch this useful video in which my sister-in-law and her lovely grandson will show you an easy pancake recipe. Here you have the ingredients:
100g plain flour
a large egg
2 glasses of milk
1 baking power pack
2 spoons full of sugar
1tbsp of butter, 
a little oil for frying
some lemon juice (optional)

By the way, here you have the 10 best tools for cooking pancakes

19 Feb 2020

Thanks a lot, Ana!

Hi there,
I've got a good colleague at school who is also an Alice's lover, too. Her name is Ana and she is really an artist with her ipad. Look at the picture below, a personal present she drew for me. Judge for yourself. 

I really love it and I also included it in my Alice's blog. If you have never visited it and you consider yourself an Alice's follower, I recommend you to do it as soon as possible. You are going to find lots of resources to work around the famous character and the story written by Lewis Carroll.

16 Feb 2020

2020, a leap year !

Hi everyone!
Yes, 2020 is a leap year.
It means that this year has 366 days because there are 29 days in February.
This extraordinary fact happens every 4 years. 
But, how to remember numbers of days in each month?
First, encouraging our students to learn the poem below.
They will remember it their entire life. 
Furthermore, they can use their knuckles making a fist and starting with the 1st knuckle as January. If the month is on a knuckle, it has 31 days. Once you get to the fourth knuckle, July, start over at the first knuckle for August.

Also, If you want to motivate and encourage students who have done the effort to study it, you can use Tellagami. It is an easy app to use in the classroom.
Look at this example. You are going to watch and listen to a student who learnt it by heart.

11 Feb 2020

Together for a better internet!

Today is an important day in our schools because we celebrate the Safer Internet Day where everyone is empowered to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. As teachers, we have to promote it in our lessons. So, here you have a video and a short presentation to talk in class.

Think before you post!

10 Feb 2020

Spiders research

Hi there, this is a document made after doing some investigations about spiders. It is going to be useful to introduce these arachnids in the English lessons.

5 Feb 2020

Food and Drinks idioms

Hi there,
I have just been enrrolled in a new eTwinning project about idioms. I love it because it is going to make my students become more confident with English enriching their expressions in the first foreign language. Here you have a poster about food and drinks idioms.

3 Feb 2020

Europe and EU

Hi there,
after living an important weekend in Europe because of Brexit, I designed a ppt to introduce the changes in the EU and in Europe bearing in mind that my audience would be year 6 in a primary school.