30 Jan 2019

Peace Day

Hi there, 
on January 30th we celebrate PEACE DAY.
One of the reasons for this celebration is because Mahatma Gandhi died on the 30th of January. He was an Indian political and spiritual leader who was known for his non-violent form of protesting. Also, one of his famous thoughts was "It's possible to live in Peace". We have been talking in the classroom about his thoughts and after having a brainstorm, here you have the most important ideas children said for living in Peace:
*Do not disturb others
* Be tolerant
* Be peaceful
*Accept diversity
* Do not revenge
*Live in joy

there are some songs I could remember to celebrate this important day, but I want to suggest you “Heal the World”. 
It's a song from Michael Jackson's hit album, Dangerous.
We should make our world better just remember we are the ones who are living in it! 
So think about it that way and thumbs up the song!
Just in case you work this song in the classroom, 

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